Registered Sports Nutritionist (SENR/BDA)
Clean Sport Advisor (UKAD)
Chartered Personal Trainer (CIMPSA)
Qualified Teacher (Cert. Ed.)

Opening Hours
Monday & Tuesday: 0700 - 1600
Wednesday: 0900-1600
Thursday: 0900 - 1600
Friday-Sunday: Closed

I graduated with a Masters in Sport & Exercise Nutrition in 2015. Soon after, I was awarded graduate registrant status with the Sport and Exercise Nutrition Register (SENR Grad). In 2016 I founded Jason Fligg Sport & Exercise Performance where I have worked with a range of athletes, at elite and amateur level, helping them to achieve major and incremental performance gains.
Despite specialising in performance nutrition, I am also a chartered Personal Trainer (CIMPSA) , L3 Sports Massage Therapist and a qualified teacher (Cert. Ed). I lectured at further and higher education level for 6 years before leaving to pursue my practitioner role full-time.
As well as supporting athletes in many sporting disciplines, I am also a keen athlete. In 2019, I completed: triathlons, duathlons, sportives (including Norfolk HSBC 100 and Prudential Ride London 100) and in 2019 I completed my first Ironman in Lanzarote. I am now adjusting to a new way of life i.e. running my business, completing my own training, and enjoying parenthood with my partner, Claire, after welcoming our daughter into the world in January 2020.
I am ecstatic to announce that after working as a SENR Graduate Registrant for 3 years since 2017, I was awarded Practitioner Registrant Status in February 2021.
My qualifications
Sport & Exercise Nutrition MSc
Sport & Exercise Science BSc (Hons)
Diploma in Education & Training L5 (Online DBS checked)
Clean Sport Advisor (UKAD)
BTEC Sport & Exercise Science L3
Sports First Aid L3
Sports Massage L3
Chartered Personal Trainer (Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity) L3
Understanding Mental Health First Aid and Mental Health Advocacy in The Workplace L2
Spinning Instructor L2
Coaching Studies L2