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Registered Sports Nutritionist (SENR/BDA)
Clean Sport Advisor (UKAD)
Chartered Personal Trainer (CIMPSA)
Qualified Teacher (Cert. Ed.)

Opening Hours
Monday & Tuesday: 0700 - 1600
Wednesday: 0900-1600
Thursday: 0900 - 1600
Friday-Sunday: Closed


Jason Fligg (MSc, SENr, Cert. Ed.)
Feb 1, 20223 min read
Blog 9: Can we please stop demonising carbohydrates – they’re amazing! and here’s why…
How many times have you been in a conversation with a friend, colleague, partner, training partner etc etc. where you or they have said...
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Jason Fligg (MSc, SENr, Cert. Ed.)
Jan 20, 20222 min read
Blog 8: The Importance of Advanced Planning… it’s not rocket science.
Time, after time, after time, after time… (you get where I’m already going with this, right!?) the response is, ‘’yeah, I didn’t have...
8 views0 comments

Jason Fligg (MSc, SENr, Cert. Ed.)
Jan 11, 20222 min read
Blog 7: ''Failure doesn't mean you've failed...'' let me explain.
I had a great conversation/reflection this week with a client athlete. It was one of those discussions that really made me love what I do...
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Jason Fligg (MSc, SENr, Cert. Ed.)
Dec 23, 20206 min read
Blog 6: Christmas 2020 - some top tips to ease the load this Christmas
We are almost there! The Christmas holidays are upon us. Schools have broken up and people are starting to take their Christmas leave....
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Jason Fligg (MSc, SENr, Cert. Ed.)
Nov 23, 20204 min read
Blog 5: Weight Loss Vs Performance (3 of 3): Train low isn’t a magic pathway to weight loss...
...but it could help. I’m back! Here is the final part of my 3-part series regarding weight loss and performance. If we quickly reflect...
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Jason Fligg (MSc, SENr, Cert. Ed.)
Sep 3, 20205 min read
Blog 4: Weight loss vs Performance (2 of 3): 'Why the scales can't tell you everything'
The good old trusted scales. They’ve been around for years. Some can be found covered in layers of thick dust in bathrooms and some can...
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Jason Fligg (MSc, SENr, Cert. Ed.)
Jul 31, 20206 min read
Blog 3: Weight Loss Vs Performance (1 of 3): ‘Some Factors You May Not Have Considered’
Weight loss and performance enhancement have long been topics discussed amongst the athletic population, but since becoming a keen...
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Jason Fligg (MSc, SENr, Cert. Ed.)
Jun 22, 20207 min read
Blog 2: Are you getting enough Vitamin D? Why do you need it and how much are we talking?
Welcome back to my Performance Nutrition blog series. If you follow me on any of my social media pages, mostly Instagram...
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Jason Fligg (MSc, SENr Grad, Cert. Ed.)
May 14, 20203 min read
Blog 1: Send help – I can't stop eating everything in sight after my training sessions!
I have recently been asked this by so many cyclists. They complain that when they finish a time trial, sportive or epic Zwift session,...
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Blog 9: Can we please stop demonising carbohydrates – they’re amazing! and here’s why…
How many times have you been in a conversation with a friend, colleague, partner, training partner etc etc. where you or they have said...

Blog 8: The Importance of Advanced Planning… it’s not rocket science.
Time, after time, after time, after time… (you get where I’m already going with this, right!?) the response is, ‘’yeah, I didn’t have...

Blog 7: ''Failure doesn't mean you've failed...'' let me explain.
I had a great conversation/reflection this week with a client athlete. It was one of those discussions that really made me love what I do...
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